Module @agentica/rpc



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RPC module of Agentica for WebSocket Communication

Agentica is the simplest Agentic AI library specialized in LLM Function Calling, and @agentica/rpc is an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) wrapper module. If you combine the RPC wrapper module with TGrid, you can develop the WebSocket AI Chatbot.

import { IAgenticaRpcListener, IAgenticaRpcService } from "@agentica/rpc";
import { Driver, WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";

const connector: WebSocketConnector<
> = new WebSocketConnector(null, {
text: async (evt) => {
console.log(evt.role, evt.text);
describe: async (evt) => {
console.log("describer", evt.text);
await connector.connect("ws://localhost:3001");

const driver: Driver<IAgenticaRpcService> = connector.getDriver();
await driver.conversate("Hello, what you can do?");
npm install @agentica/core @agentica/rpc @samchon/openapi tgrid typia
npx typia setup

npm install @agentica/core @agentica/rpc @samchon/openapi tgrid

Install @agentica/rpc with its dependent libraries.

Note that, you have to install not only @agentica/core and @agentica/rpc, but also @samchon/openapi and tgrid too. If you're developing server application, you have to install typia too.

@samchon/openapi is an OpenAPI specification library which can convert Swagger/OpenAPI document to LLM function calling schema. And typia is a transformer (compiler) library which can compose LLM function calling schema from a TypeScript class type. And then tgrid is an RPC (REmote Procedure Call) framework supporting the websocket protocol.

By the way, as typia is a transformer library analyzing TypeScript source code in the compilation level, it needs additional setup command npx typia setup when developing server application. Also, if your client (frontend) application is not using the standard TypeScript compiler (not tsc), you have to setup @ryoppippi/unplugin-typia too.

import { Agentica } from "@agentica/core";
import {
} from "@agentica/rpc";
import { WebSocketServer } from "tgrid";

const server: WebSocketServer<
> = new WebSocketServer();
await, async (acceptor) => {
await acceptor.accept(
new AgenticaRpcService({
agent: new Agentica({ ... }),
listener: acceptor.getDriver(),

When developing backend server, wrap Agentica to AgenticaRpcService.

If you're developing WebSocket protocol backend server, create a new Agentica instance, and wrap it to the AgenticaRpcService class. And then open the websocket server like above code. The WebSocket server will call the client functions of the IAgenticaRpcListener remotely.

import { IAgenticaRpcListener, IAgenticaRpcService } from "@agentica/rpc";
import { Driver, WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";

const connector: WebSocketConnector<
> = new WebSocketConnector(null, {
text: async (evt) => {
console.log(evt.role, evt.text);
describe: async (evt) => {
console.log("describer", evt.text);
await connector.connect("ws://localhost:3001");

const driver: Driver<IAgenticaRpcService> = connector.getDriver();
await driver.conversate("Hello, what you can do?");

When developing frontend application, define IAgenticaRpcListener instance.

Otherwise you're developing WebSocket protocol client application, connect to the websocket backend server with its URL address, and provide IAgenticaRpcListener instance for event listening.

And then call the backend server's function IAgenticaRpcService.conversate() remotely through the Driver<IAgenticaRpcService> wrapping. The backend server will call your IAgenticaRpcListener functions remotely through the RPC paradigm.

npx nestia start <directory>
cd <directory>
npm install @agentica/core @agentica/rpc @samchon/openapi tgrid

You can integrate @agentica with NestJS Framework utilizing Nestia.

At first, create a boilerplate project of NestJS combined with Nestia by running npx nesta start command. And then install @agentica/rpc with its dependency packages.

import { WebSocketAdaptor } from "@nestia/core";
import { INestApplication } from "@nestjs/common";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";

import { MyConfiguration } from "./MyConfiguration";
import { MyModule } from "./MyModule";

export class MyBackend {
private application_?: INestApplication;

public async open(): Promise<void> {
this.application_ = await NestFactory.create(MyModule, { logger: false });

After setup, update src/MyBackend.ts file to call WebSocketAdaptor.upgrade() function to the NestJS application instance. The function WebSocketAdaptor.upgrade() will make the NestJS backend server to compatible with WebSocket protocol.

import { AgenticaRpcService, IAgenticaRpcListener } from "@agentica/rpc";
import { WebSocketRoute } from "@nestia/core";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { WebSocketAcceptor } from "tgrid";

export class ChatController {
public async start(
// @WebSocketRoute.Param("id") id: string,
acceptor: WebSocketAcceptor<
null, // header
): Promise<void> {
await acceptor.accept(
new AgenticaRpcService({
agent: new Agentica({ ... }),
listener: acceptor.getDriver(),

Make a new NestJS controller class like above.

When a client connects to the server with ws://localhost:3001/chat URL, Agentica made chatbot would be started in the WebSocket protocol.

If you need path or query parameters, utilize @WebSocketRoute.Path() or @WebSocketRoute.Query() decorator functions.

npx nestia sdk

When backend server development has been completed, you can generate SDK (Software Development Kit) library for client developers by running npx nestia sdk command.

Client developers can utilize the SDK library like below.

import { IAgenticaRpcListener } from "@agentica/rpc";
import api from "@ORGANIZATION/PROJECT-api";

const { connector, driver } = await
host: "http://localhost:3000",
} satisfies api.IConnection,
text: async (evt) => {
console.log(evt.role, evt.text);
describe: async (evt) => {
console.log("describer", evt.text);
} satisfies IAgenticaRpcListener,
await driver.conversate("Hello, what you can do?");s
box Client Application
  actor User
  participant Driver as Driver
  participant Connector as Communicator (Client)
box Server Application
  participant Acceptor as Communicator (Server)
  actor Provider
User->>Driver: 1. calls a function
Activate User
Activate Driver
Driver->>Connector: 2. delivers the function call
Activate Connector
Deactivate Driver
Connector-->>Acceptor: 3. sends a protocolized
network message
meaning a function call Deactivate Connector Activate Acceptor Acceptor->>Provider: 4. calls the function Provider->>Acceptor: 5. returns a value Acceptor-->>Connector: 6. sends a protocolized
network message
meaning a return value Deactivate Acceptor Activate Connector Connector->>Driver: 7. delivers the return value Deactivate Connector Activate Driver Driver->>User: 8. returns the value Deactivate Driver Deactivate User

WebSocket protocol with RPC paradigm for AI chatbot.

@agentica/rpc supports WebSocket protocol that is utilizing TGrid and its RPC (Remote Procedure Call) paradigm for easy and type safe development. In the RPC paradigm, client application can call a function of IAgenticaRpcService remotely as if it were its own object.

Internally, the RPC has composed with three elements; Communicator, Provider and Driver. The first Communicator takes a responsibility of (WebSocket) network communication. The next Provider means an object providing to the remote system for RPC, and Driver is a proxy instance realizing the RPC to the remote provided Provider instance.

For example, below client application code is calling IAgenticaRpcService.conversate() function remotely through the Driver<IAgenticaRpcService> typed instance. In that case, IAgenticaRpcService is the Provider instance from server to client. And WebSocketConnector is the communicator taking responsibility of WebSocket communication.

import { IAgenticaRpcListener, IAgenticaRpcService } from "@agentica/rpc";
import { Driver, WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";

const connector: WebSocketConnector<
> = new WebSocketConnector(null, {
text: async (evt) => {
console.log(evt.role, evt.text);
describe: async (evt) => {
console.log("describer", evt.text);
await connector.connect("ws://localhost:3001");

const driver: Driver<IAgenticaRpcService> = connector.getDriver();
await driver.conversate("Hello, what you can do?");





