Union type.

IOneOf represents an union type of the TypeScript (A | B | C`).

For reference, even though your Swagger (or OpenAPI) document has defined anyOf instead of the oneOf, OpenApi forcibly converts it to oneOf type.

interface IOneOf {
    deprecated?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    discriminator?: OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IOneOf.IDiscriminator;
    example?: any;
    examples?: Record<string, any>;
    oneOf: (
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IObject
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IConstant
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IBoolean
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IInteger
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.INumber
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IString
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IArray
        | ITuple
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IReference<string>
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.INull
        | OpenApi.IJsonSchema.IUnknown
    title?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


deprecated?: boolean

Whether the type is deprecated or not.

description?: string

Detailed description of the schema.

Discriminator info of the union type.

example?: any

Example value.

examples?: Record<string, any>

List of example values as key-value pairs.

List of the union types.

title?: string

Title of the schema.